Membership Matters!

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Cleveland County CRIME STOPPERS Inc.


Community, Civic, and Social Non-Profit Organizations


We provide a platform that allows a person who may have information about a crime to anonymously provide the information to the police in exchange for reward money paid by Crime Stoppers. 

How to provide a tip: 

By scanning the QR Code, a tipster can upload video or photographs and can "text" anonymously through the phone app to police.

The tipster is never known to the police or to Crime Stoppers and is identified only as a number that the system assigns them. If need be, the police can contact the tipster through the phone app to clarify information and ask questions. 

Unable to use the QR Code? Please call the tipline, (704) 481-8477!

Tip Reward Information:

We pay up to $1000 for information that leads to an arrest. The actual amount paid is determined by several factors including:

  • severity of the offense
  • the value of the information provided in the eventual solving of the case 
  •  number of persons arrested
  • the value of property stolen or recovered

Once a case is solved, the detective addresses the Crime Stoppers Board to explain the case and discuss all the factors mentioned above. The Board then makes a decision as to the amount of reward money that will be paid to the tipster.

The police detective will then contact the tipster through the phone app to explain how they can collect their reward money. The tipster is always anonymous, all the time! 

Board Volunteers:

We are a 15-seat volunteer Board of Directors that works directly with Cleveland County Sheriff, Shelby Police Department, Kings Mountain Police Department and Boiling Springs Police Department.

Prospective Board Members must:

#1 Live in Cleveland County NC and be at least 18 years of age.

#2 Agree to a background check

#3 Be available to help and represent Crime Stoppers at public events, most of which are on weekends at varying locations throughout Cleveland County. Included are an assignment to a Board Committee that may include additional volunteer work.

#4 Be available to attend and actively participate in monthly Board Meetings held on the third Monday of each month at 6pm at varying locations in Cleveland County. 

#5 Submit an application and attend two Board Meetings prior to potentially being elected to a Board Seat. 

Want to join our Board? Please contact us by email to request an application! [email protected]!


Cleveland Community College "Talk of the Town" TV Production, C19TV

KTC Broadcasting

The Shelby Star

The Shelby Shopper and Info

Baker Advertising and Design

Westmorland Printers

Cleveland County Schools

Shelby Breakfast Rotary Club

The Town of Waco

Walmart Distribution Center #6090

Walmart Shelby

Sam's Club, Gastonia

Oliver’s Hardware and Garden Center 

Dragonfly Wine Market

Uptown Sweets and Treats

Uptown Olive Oil and More

Trackside Bourbon, Beer & Vino

Trackside Traders

Pro Hardware, Boiling Springs

Foothills Farmers Market, Shelby

Cleveland County Chamber of Commerce

Headrick Outdoor Media of the Carolinas

133 West in Kings Mountain

Shelby Rotary Club

Fallston Baptist Church

Circle M Livestock Safari Park

Pizza Inn, Shelby

Tidal Wave Auto Spa

Belk Shelby

Lawndale Baptist Church Craft Fair

Wellness By Design

Albemarle, Kings Mountain

Epitome Digital Marketing

Fidelity Bank

The Crack House Chronicles (podcast) 

Additional Info

Business Hours : Always Open


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